The deadline for submitting paper proposals for the colloquium "'And the People, where are they?' The collective subject in times of Revolutions" has been extended until November 30, 2024.
In commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the April 25th Revolution, the Centre for History of the University of Lisbon is organizing the International Congress "AND THE PEOPLE, WHERE ARE THEY?” THE COLLECTIVE SUBJECT IN TIMES OF REVOLUTIONS. Revitalizing the title of a work by José Tengarrinha (2008), while broadening its scope, the intention is to observe and debate popular participation in revolutionary contexts from different times and geographical locations. The event will take place from April 7th to 9th, 2025, at the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon.
Revolutionary phenomena, as processes of profound transformation of the social, political, economic, or cultural order, occur in different historical periods and geographies. Collective action and social movements, among other factors, shape the profile, intentions, and results of conflicts.
In this sense, the Organizing Committee calls for the submission of proposals that address the involvement of the people in revolutions throughout history, from Antiquity to the Contemporary era, preferably focusing on the following axes, without prejudice to other related proposals:
Armed struggle and violence (riots, rebellions, revolts)
Circulation of revolutionary ideals
Concepts of Revolution and People
Construction of revolutionary traditions
Daily life
Legitimation and discourse
People and elites
Political sociability and revolutionary geographies
Popular action
Regime changes: new solutions
Representations in art and literature
Repression and censorship
Symbols and rituals
Uses of memory
Women and revolution
Proposal formats:
Thematic panels (3 speakers)
Individual papers
Official languages: